Are you looking for the best Cadet College in Pakistan? Well, your search might just end after going through the detailed analysis presented here. The Cadet College, Fateh Jang is one of the most highly regarded colleges in Pakistan. It is not only the best college for the education of your child but also the most reliable source of professional and ethical training for the youngsters. So, if you are confused about where to avail the best education for your child, Cadet College Fateh Jhang might be the best solution for you.
Cadet College Fateh Jang is one of the best cadet college in Pakistan as it provides as diverse learning environment to all its students. The College was established by the late Professor Hafiz Mushtaq Ahmed Sipra, who was a true and dedicated educationalist vast experience of serving at country’s front- line institutions including Cadet College Petaro and Sadiq Public School Bahawalpur. He was also founder Principal of Bahria Foundation School at Islamabad. May his soul Rest in peace and Allah gives Board of Governor strength to further his mission. Ameen. The vision was to develop a Cadet College in Punjab that could do to serve the field of education by training students without any discrimination. Over the years, Cadet College Fateh Jang has lived true to its vision and has served millions of students with quality education.
The mission of Cadet College, Fateh Jang is to foster the young minds such that they become truly educated. The latest scientific knowledge and the modern means of education are used in the college in order to provide all the students a chance to learn and perform better. Among the many objectives of the Cadet College, the most prominent objective is to train the students not only in terms of the modern scientific knowledge but also to link it with the social and religious education. Hence, the Cadet College, Fateh Jang has a mission and vision to be an institute of true enlightenment in all possible aspects to its students.
Cadet College, Fateh Jang has a strong believe in the potential of the youngsters of our country. We truly believe that by training the youth and providing them sound knowledge, we can develop strong leaders for tomorrow, in this regard, and we not only provide education but also instil the values of public service among our students. Values such as empathy, concern for others and community service are among the core teachings at Cadet College Fateh Jang.
The admission policy of Cadet College Fateh Jang follows a well-designed set of rules and regulations. The admissions are purely on merit basis and students from all over Pakistan are invited to apply for admissions at Cadet College Fateh Jang and gain the experience of being a part of the best Cadet College in Pakistan. The criteria for admission include clearing the entry test and interviews which are held each year for new admissions. Firstly, the admission form needs to be obtained and filled accordingly along with the provision of all the necessary documents at the time of final submission.
The Cadet College admission 2019 is now open! The cadet college admission form download link is present below. Also Entry test syllabus is also available on the website and download link is present below: ADMINISTRATION The administration of Cadet College, Fateh Jang has a well-defined chain of command. There are officers and adjutants retired or serving in Pakistan Armed Forces for dealing with the different sections of the college, including the finances, medical assistance, Sports, education, IT and messing. All of these are headed by an admin who is responsible for formulating the rules and ensuring that all the regulations are followed as stated in the mission statement. Cadets follow a armed forces style designed daily routine. College routine is designed by our expert panel in a way which ensures ice-breaking activities for all students. Activities are designed to keeps new comers mind busy and learning at the same time. All The cadets are monitored and supervised by highly qualified faculty and Admin Staff. There is an allocated time for afternoon and evening prep for Cadets, where they work in their rooms or in the prep rooms. Staff on duty in the afternoon and evenings is always members of the academic staff, and are on hand to help out with any difficulties. During the course of the evening, teachers visit each student, offering help and ensuring an appropriately studious atmosphere. The strong and dedicated administration makes it possible to truly serve the society with a platform for quality education and training of the youngsters. The administration ensures that there are a set of concrete rules and regulations and means of ensuring that these rules are duly followed by all the students and also the staff. FEE STRUCTURE Cadet College Fateh Jang is a no proft no loss organization. Cadet College Fateh Jang has the lowest fee structure in Pakistan with all facilities provided in a purposeful built campus. The Cadet College Fee Structure includes the admission fee, tuition fee, messing and hostels, laundry, medical, sports and other miscellaneous charges. The fee structure is designed so as to include the costs which are used for the benefits of the students. A minimal possible fee range is selected and applied. The increment in the fee structure on an annual basis is likely due to the possibility of increases in taxes and other costs. However, the administration of the college ensures that the Cadet College fee structure remains to be affordable yet reflective of all the services that the students can avail within the college. Cadet College, Jang has a strong believe in the potential of the youngsters of our country. We truly believe that by training the youth and providing them sound knowledge, we can develop strong leaders for tomorrow, in this regard, and we not only provide education but also instil the values of public service among our students. Values such as empathy, concern for others and community service are among the core teachings at Cadet College Fateh Jang.