Code of Conduct – Rules & Regulations of Cadet College Fateh Jang

  • Fee for the term once deposited is non refundable. Tuition, Messing, Hostel etc, including all tee mentioned in fee card is calculated on yearly basis including vacations and divided on 12 months therefore NO further discount or concession in fee will be given
  • In case of withdrawal by parents or guardians, the cadet will have to pay full fees for the term in which he is withdrawn. There is no provision of part adjustment refund remission of the amount billed, even if a cadet remains on the college roll for a part of term. The college administration will not be responsible for the cadets luggage after 06 days of his absence.
  • It is mandatory to submit fee term wise before or on due date. After Due Date, those who are not able to submit fee are provided with another chance to pay the fee within 10 days of expiry of voucher with fine of 100 per day failing which can also avail the last chance of paying fee within 15 days after expiry of voucher along with late fee fine of 3000 Those who will not be able to pay clear dues after 3rd and final chance thereby college reserve the right to hold the classroom study and hostel facilities of that student and his name is liable to struck off from college and maybe readmitted on payment of readmission fee of 20000 at the discretion of the committee.
  • When a cadet is enrolled he has to complete the session in case he leaves college, he must have to inform the administration two months before otherwise he has to pay the advance fee of two months only that he will be given the college certificate.
  • The cadets appearing for the Boards examination will pay the messing and boarding fee up to the end calendar month in which their board examinationpractical exams finishes whichever is later.
  • It is observed that a smart, well stitched and clean uniform always enhances the image of both college and cadets as well. The excessive use of uniform throughout the year, need replacement. The single kit will cost approximately Rupees 10000 to the each Cadet which noted as mandatory.
  • No cadet shall be allowed to appear in any Boards examination or for the annual examination, unless his accounts have been settled in full by the date on which the examination begins.
  • Students can avail one discount at a time only. Fee heads like Board Exam RegistrationPick and Drop fee, Club Registration fee, Geyser Charge etc. will be charged separately other than fee.
  • 1000 One Thousand Only will be charged as fee for college leaving certificate.

Parents are welcomed to discuss the progress of their children with the Principal with prior appointment on telephone. They can, however, always send their suggestions in writing, for the betterment of their child and institution.

  • The parents/guardians can visit their sons/wards only on SUNDAY between 1000 hours to 1500 hours.
  • A visitors list is maintained at the college. Only those visitors can meet the cadets whose names have been given by the parents/guardians in the visitors list.
  • Parents are not allowed to visit staff at their residence.
  • Generally parents/guardians are expected NOT to visit during regular working days i.e from Monday to Saturday.
Telephone Calls

Parents/Guardians may contact their sons/wards on telephone as per following schedule:-

  • Saturdays 1730 to 2100 hours
  • Sundays/Closed Holidays 0900 to 1700 hours
  • Saturdays 1900 to 2200 hours
  • Sundays/Closed Holidays 0800 to 1800 hours
The Parents are requested to contact the administration in case of any emergency.
051-4434433 | 0300-8529964 | 0300-5311671

Parents are welcome to discuss the progress of their children with the Principal with prior appointment on telephone. They can, however, always send their suggestions in writing. Visiting procedure shall be:-

  • All visitors should meet the Principal by prior scheduled appointment. Parents/ Guardians shall arrange appointment through their sons/wards.
  • The visitors will be conducted to the office and will be allowed entry on a slip for the information of the Principal. The P. A to Principal will keep an appointment schedule.
  • Vehicles of the visiting parents will be parked in the parking area and son/ ward will be called to reception/ visitors’ lobby, where the visiting parents/guardians would meet their son/ ward.
  • Parents/guardians are not allowed to visit Rooms/ Houses of the cadets.
  • Parents are advised to make it convenient to visit the COLLEGE Authorities during working hours only i.e. from 0900 to 1500 hrs on working days, for official business.
  • Parents are advised to visit the Cadets only on weekends and gazette holidays from 1400 hrs to 1700 hrs on Saturday and from 0900 hrs to 1700 hrs on Sunday. Parents are advised not to visit the cadets on any day and time other than the above mentioned timings.

Closed holidays and vacations will be indicated in the calendar of events to be issued to each cadet/parent.

  • Leave other than authorized holidays will be granted only under exceptional circumstances. No leave will be granted for attending wedding except the wedding of real brother / sister. Leave in such cases will not exceed three days.
  • The following punishments will be awarded to a cadet, if he over stay the leave or vacation:-
    (1) Absence for one day: Fine of Rs. 1000/-
    (2) Absence for subsequent days: Fine of Rs. 500/- per day up to a maximum of six days. (Extra drill etc may also be awarded in addition to the fine)
The name of cadet may be struck off the college roll after six days of unauthorized absence, without any further notice.
  • The College will adopt all possible measures for the safety of the cadets during their stay in the college. However, the college will not be held responsible for any kind of accidents/mishaps causing any kind of physical harm or injury.
  • If a cadet run away from the college the college administration will not be responsible and the admission of the cadet will be cancelled.

Parents are advised to prepare their wards mentally as well as physically to undergo the tough routine of the college. College does not take any responsibilities of a cadet who is unable to adjust to the committed routine life of a cadet and wishes to quit due to his personal aptitude or family background.

However, College helps new comers to settle in as College routine is designed by our expert panel in a way which ensures ice-breaking activities for all new students who arrive in March each year. Activities are designed to keeps new comers mind busy and keep them learning at the same time.

Following items are prohibited in college premises:

  • Transistor, Video games, electric appliances, personal computers, wireless, Mobile, MP3 Player, TV set, USB, Hard drives, etc.
  • Unauthorized medicines and drugs.
  • Money and valuables other than pocket money (Rs.700 per month).
  • Weapon of any kind.
  • Cigarettes, E- Cigarettes, Vapes, narcotics in any form.
  • Matches, burners, heaters, etc.
  • Undesirable printed material/ DVD, USB, Hard Drives etc.
  • Explosive / Combustible material.
  • Musical instruments.
  • Camera Mobile phone.
  • In order to build a habit of controlled spending, students are discouraged to spend more than the authorized pocket money ie Rs. 700/- per week.
  • On returning to the school after holidays a student should not bring more than six hundred rupees. The amount shall be deposited with the House Master. No cadet would be allowed to receive money from outside source without permission of the Principal.

It is mandatory to submit fee term wise before or on due date. After Due Date, those who are not able to submit fee are provided with another chance to pay the fee within 10 days of expiry of voucher with fine of Rs. 100 per day failing which can also avail the last chance of paying fee within 15 days after expiry of voucher along with late fee fine of Rs. 3000/- Those who will not be able to pay / clear dues after 3rd and final chance thereby college reserve the right to hold the classroom study and hostel facilities of that student and his name is liable to struck off from college and maybe readmitted on payment of re-admission fee of Rs, 20,000/- at the discretion of the committee.

When a cadet is enrolled he has to complete the session. In case he leaves college, he must have to inform the administration two months before otherwise he has to pay the advance fee of two months only than he will be given the college certificate.

The following punishments will be awarded to a cadet, if he overstays the leave or vacation:-
  • Absence for one day : Fine of Rs. 1000/-
  • Absence for subsequent days : Fine of Rs. 1000/- per day upto a maximum of six days. (Extra drill etc may also be awarded in addition to the fine)

The Board of Governors reserves the right to make any changes / amendments in the prospectus as and when required. These changes will be brought to notice of parents / cadets through circular / announcements/ website.