Our Mission & Objectives – Shaping Future Leaders at Cadet College Fateh Jang

Our Mission
The Cadet College envisages imparting quality education to its cadets on modern and scientific lines. Our mission is to carve a creed strong and confident enough to shoulder the responsibility of future leadership according to the teachings of Islam and equip him with the most advance and scientific knowledge to be able to face the challenges of modern life.

Our Objectives
This institution, therefore, functions within our social compulsions and religious teachings with a desire to mould our new generation into true Muslims, patriotic citizens and good leaders. These ideals lead us to achieve the following objectives:-
Teaching of fundamentals of Islam as basis of our values and ideology. Quality education on modern and scientific lines.
Preparing cadets as amiable and confident members of our society. To develop a sense of self-respect in the cadets and mutual respect amongst the colleagues. Providing sound educational base and leadership training to cadets enabling them to join armed forces or to carry out higher education in professional colleges as per their aptitude.